Market Insights

Recordkeeping Requirements for Importers
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Recordkeeping Requirements for Importers

Importers of Record (IOR) are required by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Customs Modernization Act (Mod Act) to have proper records on file for all import shipments into the territory of the United States. This publication outlines necessary steps for importers to ensure compliance with CBP's documentation requests for any shipment.

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2022 Harmonized Tariff Schedule Updates
Juno Customs Solutions Blogs Juno Logistics Juno Customs Solutions Blogs Juno Logistics

2022 Harmonized Tariff Schedule Updates

Will the new updates to the 2022 HTSUS impact you that will be going into effect on January 27th, 2022? Every 5-6 years the WCO updates the HTSUS to conform to the new developments in technology and any changes in trade patterns. This will be the 7th edition of the HS that will go into effect on January 27th, 2022, which will bring sweeping changes to how the international trade community classifies their products.

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