Partnerships Built on Trust, Understanding, and Dedication
“Welcome to your Logistics Department” is the core principle we live by. We partner with our clients to collaborate, streamline processes and procedures, and work in alignment with their desired needs and wishes.
Outside our organization, we present our global logistics services through strategic partnerships, aligning ourselves with world-class networks, offering competitive pricing.
We understand that our company is only as strong as the dedication, talents, and guiding principles of the collective members of our team. Juno is committed to fostering a supportive, open-minded, and inclusive workplace—providing enriched benefits to our employees encouraging a high-level of engagement, increasing employee retention, and adding to a positive quality of life.
Empowering Our People for Continued Success
We nurture personal and professional development by offering our employees continued training, education, and job advancement from within. Our people are our greatest assets and the core to our continued success. We empower them to make a difference.
Continued Technological Advancement
Juno continues to invest in information technology that optimizes efficient transportation and supply chain management. We are constantly enhancing our platforms to meet the needs of our clients’ ever-changing supply chain challenges.
Delivering a Sustainable Future
Supporting Our Communities
JUNO CARES is an organic and evolving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that reflects our people's kind-hearted and caring nature in or out of the office.
It promotes a healthier work environment by finding ways to continually boost employee morale while making sure to infuse our culture with shifting mindsets and practices toward diversity, equity and inclusivity.
Investing in the Earth’s Future
As an environmentally conscious company, Juno continues to invest in and integrate policies to positively impact the health of our planet.
We modernized our offices and conference spaces to allow natural light in, along with adding automatic light sensor switches and heat and air conditioning timed thermostats to conserve energy.
Juno has eliminated single-use plastic water bottles and designated recycling bins throughout the office. We have and will continue to donate unwanted office equipment.
When available, we use digital document distribution to continue to eliminate paper usage. We have requested current vendors to eliminate paper invoices and statements and added this request to our new vendor onboarding process.
In place of courier services, secure digital document exchange has been adapted. We actively participate in the e-AWB initiative with select airlines where digital processes are now the norm and paper is the exception.
We have adopted a permanent Hybrid Office Model so our employees spend less time commuting, significantly reducing carbon emissions.
Your trusted partner with over 20 years of experience dedicated to supporting the ever-evolving world of global trade.